According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), underage drinking is a serious public health problem. In fact, alcohol is reportedly the most widely abused substance among youth in the United States, often requiring parents and families to seek treatment for alcohol addiction.
In New Jersey, to tackle this growing problem, the state department of Alcoholic Beverage Control facilitates a “Cops in Shops” program. The program, which was launched 20 years ago, targets underage drinkers and those who purchase alcohol for them. In the summer of 2015 alone, over 250 arrests were made.
And while the state of New Jersey is making great strides in combating underage drinking, this is a problem that can’t be tackled at the state level alone. It’s key that the parents and families of underage drinkers take action and help teens and young adults battling substance abuse get the help that they need. Alcohol addiction programs in Atlantic City can not only help underage drinkers get help, but also provide their families with the tools to support them on the path to sobriety.
At Behavioral Crossroads, a number of programs are offered for the treatment of alcohol addiction including general outpatient addiction treatment, an intensive outpatient program and a sober living program. The facility’s mission is to help individuals who have substance use disorders to develop the skills and supports necessary to overcome addiction.
According to NIAAA, parents of youth or young adults ages 12-20 are encouraged to pay close attention to warning signs, including changes in mood, rebelliousness, academic and behavioral problems, changes in friends, low energy level, slurred speech, coordination problems and finding alcohol among their things. If these signs are observed, the organization recommends that parents seek intervention and treatment for alcohol addiction from a trained professional.
Data shows that by the age of 15, 35% of teens have had at least one drink, and by the age of 18, 65% of teens have had at least one drink. For more information about alcohol addiction programs in Atlantic City, visit or call (855) 679-5138 today.