It’s kind of like this….
You sleep for ten hours and wake up, absolutely exhausted. Every day, all you want to do is lie in bed and hide away from the world. The things that used to make you happy, don’t anymore. You have zero interest to do anything. Zero motivation. You go on living life as a puppet, restricted to the ties that hold you down.
The mind can be a scary place and play tricks on you. What you don’t know about all of these negative thoughts is that you are worth so much. You are beautiful. You are worth being loved. You are not perfect, but you weren’t created to be perfect. You were put on this earth to be human, wonderfully made. You are never alone.
Listed below are ways to manage your sadness:
Journaling: Writing is the most therapeutic past time. Expressing how you feel on paper will allow your thoughts to flow releasing all negative energy.
Being around friends: I know this is the last thing that is on your mind that you want to do, but I promise you, it is very positive and will help your sadness. Being around people that care about you will change your mood.
Go outside: Take a walk. Ride your bike. Go for a run. Look at the sky. Everything will be ok.
Sleeping enough: Sleep is very important for your health. Make sure you get enough of it, but do not waste your life away in bed. It will only make you feel worse.
Forgiving others: Forgiving others who have hurt you is one of the most unselfish things you can do.
Exercise: Very important for your health. You may not want to go for that run, but you will feel 100% better when you’re done.
Focusing on present: Dwelling on the past is not going to change anything. All you can do is focus on a better tomorrow. I know it’s easier said than done, but try the best you can to look forward instead of behind. One day at a time.
Talking to someone: A friend, a therapist, a family member. Talk to someone who isn’t going to judge you. Letting out how you feel to someone else will make you feel better.
Listen to music: Music is good for the soul. Sad music. Happy music. Sad music allows you to feel so deeply and relatable. Jump on your bed and listen to upbeat music that makes you want to dance.
Read a book: Get lost in another characters thoughts instead of your own for awhile.
Don’t believe your negative thoughts: YOU are NOT your thoughts. Repeat after me: I. Am. NOT. My. Negative. Thoughts.
Distract Yourself: Clean!!!!
Cry: It’s important to have a big cry. Cry. Loud. Hard. Let all of that sadness in your chest be free of hurt.
Do things that can make you laugh: Watch a funny movie or a YouTube video.
Focus on the good in your life: Life is a gift. Do not give up.
You should never be ashamed of who you are. If you’re reading this, you deserve all the happiness in the world.