heroin addiction

Heroin Addiction on the Rise

Heroin addiction has become a growing problem across the United States in recent years. In many cities, the rate of death from a heroin overdose has exceeded the number of deaths from automobile crashes and violent crime. The cost of heroin has been dropping significantly in recent years, and it has now overtaken addiction to…

Alcohol Abuse in College

Alcoholism is a growing problem in the United States, and it may not be a surprise that many college students abuse alcohol on a regular basis. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that four out of five students drink and half of those students binge drink. Binge drinking is defined as…

Cocaine Relapse

Cocaine addiction is particularly challenging, due to the high relapse rate after one has stopped using the drug. However, there is no research that shows that changes in the DNA taking place during withdrawal could be responsible for potential future developments of treatments that are more effective. So why does someone experience a cocaine relapse?…