Behavioral Crossroads Recovery uses evidence-based tools for our participants in anger management groups. These are co-occurring tracts for individuals with substance use or mental health disorders. The program combines group treatment and self-study. Our program follows the 12-week SAMHSA model. Our curriculum explores anger management group treatment and offers a summary of core concepts and tools for completing challenges. The concepts and skills presented in the anger management treatment are best learned by practice and review. This 12-week anger management group treatment will help you develop the skills that are necessary to successfully manage anger.


Anger Meter A simple way to monitor your anger is to use a 1-to-10 scale called the anger meter. A score of 1 on the anger meter represents a complete lack of anger or a total state of calm, whereas 10 represents an angry and explosive loss of control that leads to negative consequences.


The Aggression Cycle An episode of anger can be viewed as consisting of three phases: buildup, explosion, and aftermath. Together, these three phases make up the aggression cycle. The buildup phase is characterized by cues that indicate anger is building. As you may recall, cues are warning signs, or responses, to anger-related events. If the buildup phase is allowed to continue, the explosion phase can follow. The explosion phase is marked by a discharge of anger that is displayed as verbal or physical aggression. The aftermath phase is characterized by the negative consequences that result from the verbal or physical aggression displayed during the explosion phase. These consequences may include going to jail, making restitution, being terminated from a job, being discharged from a drug treatment or social service program, losing family and loved ones, or feelings of guilt, shame, and regret.